St. Machar of Iona (of Aberdeen), Bishop
(Macharius, Mochumma)

12 November

6th century. An Irishman by birth, he was baptized by Saint Colman and became a disciple of Saint Columba (f.d. June 9) at Iona. Afterwards he was sent with 12 disciples to convert the Picts, and fixed his episcopal residence at Old Aberdeen, of which he is said to have been the first bishop. The water from his well was at one time used for baptisms in Aberdeen cathedral (Benedictines, Montague).

Troparion of St Machar
Tone 1
Thou didst bring many to the Faith,
erect numerous churches, extinguish the worship of false gods and cast down idols,
O Hierarch Machar, establishing thy cathedral at Old Aberdeen.
As thou wast fearless and tireless in thy labours for Christ,
pray O Saint, that we may be given strength to follow in thy footsteps
and that thereby we may be found worthy of His abundant mercy.

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layout © 2008, Kathleen Hanrahan and Mo! Langdon
Page last updated: 01 November 2008
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