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Born in Kincardineshire, 5th or 7th century. Saint Palladius (f.d. July 6) is reputed to have sent Saint Servanus (f.d. July 1) to preach in the Orkney Islands and Saint Ternan (f.d. June 12), titular patron of Abernathy cathedral, to the Picts. Saint Irchard, according to some, was Ternan's disciple, possibly consecrated bishop by him or possibly consecrated bishop by Saint Gregory the Great (f.d. September 3) in Rome. There is some debate over the exact period of his life (Benedictines, Husenbeth).

Troparion of St Ychard Tone 1
Ordained by St Ternan, with him thou didst labour/ and preach the Gospel to the heathen Picts./ Pray for the faithful who celebrate thy memory and cry:/ Rejoice, O Father Ychard.

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