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Born at Argyll, c. 516; died c. 610; he has a second feast on October 27. If you are confused by the many saints named Colman, there are 126 Irish saints bearing that illustrious name. Today's saint was the first abbot of Muckmore, County Antrim, then chosen as the abbot-founder and bishop of Dromore in County Down. He founded the See of Dromore, of which he is patron and over which he presided as bishop. He set up a small 'daub and wattle' church on this site in 510 AD. Probably thatched with reeds from the River Lagan which flows beside it, this church site has been, for the 15 centuries since, a location for the worship of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all humanity. Little evidence is available for the first 700 years of St. Colman's Church nor is there any indication of either its style or size.

He studied at Noendrum (Mahee Island), under St. Mochae or Coelan, one of the earliest disciples of St. Patrick. Many interesting stories are told of his edifying life at Noendrum and the miracles he worked there. To perfect his knowledge of the Scriptures St. Colman went to the great school of Emly, c. 470 or 475, and remained there some years. At length he returned to Mahee Island to see his old master, St. Mochae, and remained under his guidance for a long period, acting as assistant in the school. Among his many pupils at Mahee Island, in the first quarter of the sixth century, was St. Finian of Moville.

Jocelin, in his life of Saint Patrick, tells us that Colman's virtue was foretold by Patrick. Many miracles are ascribed to the bishop. This Colman is titular saint of at least one church in Scotland, Inis Mo-Cholmaig, and one in Wales, Llangolman (Attwater, Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Husenbeth, Montague).

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