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Died 661. Finan was an Irishman, who became a monk at St. Columba's monastery at Iona, and was renowned for his holy life and discipline. When Aidan died and the monks of Lindisfarne sent to his old abbey for one to replace him, the choice fell on Finan as a worthy successor.

His ten years as Bishop of Northumbria was a more peaceful episcopate that Aidan's. King Oswy was brought to realise his sin in the murder of Oswin, the King of Deira, whose kingdom he had annexed, and Finan encouraged him to found monasteries and churches as tokens of his repentance. The most famous of these was at Streaneshalch on the promontory above the harbour now known as Whitby, which was to become a great Christian centre.

He received and baptised two further kings of the Saxon heptarchy, Sigbert of the East Saxons and Peada of Mercia, and sent missionaries to their respective kingdoms to establish the Faith in them. He withdrew St.Cedd from his labours in the midlands and consecrated him to be bishop of the East Saxons, and he made Diuma, an Irish monk, bishop for the Mercians.

Finan, in addition to his supervision of the vast diocese of Northumbria, which stretched into southern Scotland, encouraged building works in the monastery at Lindisfarne. He constructed a spacious cathedral church on the Celtic pattern, made with wood and covered with the rough sea-grass called bent, which grows prolifically on the island, binding the sand with its roots. Into his church he translated the body of his predecessor, St. Aidan, and when he died in 661 his body was laid to rest by the side of the first bishop. (Baring-Gould, Benedictines, Delaney, Farmer).

Troparion of St Finan
Tone 2
As Aidan's successor thou didst rule the See of Lindisfarne fearlessly
preaching the Orthodox Faith, O holy Hierarch Finan.
Boldly obeying the Gospel command, thou didst soften the stony heart of Mercia's pagan Prince Peada
and win his soul for Christ.
Pray for us, 0 Saint, that Christ alone will rule in our hearts,
that He may save our souls.

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