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Date unknown. A Scottish saint trained in Ireland and consecrated bishop in Rome (Benedictines). St. Machan, who is commemorated in Ecelesmachan in Linlithgowshire, is said to have been a disciple of St. Cadoc of Llancarvan; if so, he was contemporary with Kentigern.

We know almost nothing about him. There was a fair formerly held at Ballasalla on September 29th, which, though held on St. Michael the Archangel's day, may have been previously dedicated to St. Machan.

In the Inquest of David I made about 1116 AD when he was Prince of Cumbria, concerning the lands belonging to the Church of Glasgow a number of old churches can be recognised.....Among them is the name Mecheyn, i.e. Machan. 'When Cadoc quitted Scotland, on his way back to Wales, he left behind him an earnests worker to develop his mission among the Britons and the Picts. He was Machan , who had been trained in Ireland, but who now devoted the rest of his the Clyde Valley. One of his centres was Dalserf, a parish formerly known as Machanshire. In the north end of the parish there is a property still called Machan, or Auld Machan, while t he whole of the higher and bleaker lands to the south, between Auld Machan and Draffan in the parish of Lesmahagow, are still entitled Machanshire or Machanmuir.

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