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Died 643. Peregrinus (meaning "pilgrim") is believed to have been a Celtic prince and/or monk, who made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. On his return he settled in the quiet Apennines near Modena, Italy, where he spent the last forty years of his life as a hermit. Saint Pellegrino in the Italian Alps is named in his memory and was his hermitage. Now one can find a hospice for travellers and the needy on the site (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Husenbeth, Montague).

In art, Saint Peregrinus is depicted as a pilgrim. He may also be shown (1) holding a thin cross or (2) with a sudarium tied to a staff (Roeder). He is the patron of Lucca and Modena, Italy, as well as of pilgrims (Roeder).

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