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The Abbey at Croyland had been destroyed by Danes in 870. In this devastation the relics of Ss. Egbat, Tatwin, Bettelina & Ethedrith were lost and possibly reduced to ashes.

Then Turketill, the pious Chancellor of King Edred rebuilt the Abbey in 946. He was cousin to Athelstan, Edmund & Edred (all successive kings). He was the son of Ethelward. He was an accomplished General and won many a battle against the Danes and extricated his cousins out of many scrapes. He wearied of public life, gave 60 of his manors to the King and 6 to Croyland, and paid off all his debts. He then went to Croyland and took the habit. He was made Abbot in 948. He restored the house to greatest splendour and having served God in that place for 27 years died of a fever in 975 aged 68 (Lives of the Saints by Butler).

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