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Died 699 (either March 23 or April 21). In 687, Saint Ethelwald, a holy priest-monk of Ripon Monastery, succeeded Saint Cuthbert (f.d. March 20) as the hermit on the lonely island of Farne. The Venerable Bede (f.d. May 26) relates the story of a miracle wrought by Ethelwald: His prayers abated a severe wind storm, which had threatened Guthrid and two other visiting monks from Lindisfarne with shipwreck. Upon Ethelwald's death, his body was translated to Lindisfarne and laid next to those of Saints Cuthbert and Edbert (f.d. May 6). Later his relics were carried from place to place with those of Cuthbert until they were settled in Durham cathedral. Many miracles were attributed by Florence of Worcester to the intercession of Saint Ethelwald (Attwater2, Benedictines, Farmer, Gill, Husenbeth).

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