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Died 751. Saint Edburga, one of the royal family of Kent, succeeded Saint Mildred (f.d. July 13) as abbess of Minster in Thanet. She is known chiefly from Saint Boniface's (f.d. June 5) letters to her, in which he thanks her for books, altar vestments, and other 'tokens of affection' she had sent him and for the 'spiritual light' conveyed in her letters. She had a new church built for her convent at Minster to which she translated the relics of Saint Mildred. Edburga is also known for her talent as a calligrapher. Her own relics were translated to Saint Gregory's Church in Canterbury in 1055 (Attwater, Attwater2, Benedictines, Coulson, Husenbeth).

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