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Died c. 625. Friend of Saint Columban, the Irish Ursicinus followed the footsteps of his friend and entered the missionary fields of Switzerland. Ursicinus planted his staff at St. Ursanne in the Swiss Juras, where he built his monastery. He could not bear wine nor those who gave it to him to drink (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia).

St. Ursicinus is rendered in art as an abbot with three lilies in his hand or holding a book and fleur-de-lys, surrounded by fleur-de-lys. Venerated at Basal, Besancon, and Mainz. Invoked against stiff neck (Roeder).

Troparion of St Ursician tone 8
Thy life is a hymn of triumph, O blessed one,
who together with the great Columban didst travel throughout Europe preaching repentance, humility and our saving Faith in Christ.
Wherefore, most righteous Ursician, intercede for us that we may show forth in our lives the truth of our faith, that many souls may be saved.

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