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Died c. 452. Saint Odran was the chariot-driver for Saint Patrick. He was assassinated in place of his master because he changed places with Patrick in the chariot when he knew that an ambush awaited them (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia).

Troparion of St Odran
Tone 5
No task was too humble or too dangerous for thee,
O Martyr Odran,
for in thy station as a servant
thou didst render the ultimate service
giving thy life for thy master and Ireland's Enlightener.
Pray that we may have the courage to hold nothing back,
that at the last Christ our God will not withhold His mercy from us.

Kontakion of St Odran
Tone 3
We salute thee, O Martyr Odran,
ever seeking to follow thee in service to Christ's holy Church
and praying for grace to shun the imperfect way of Ananias and Sophia,
that we may give all we have in selfless devotion
to Him Who holds all creation in His hands.

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