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7th century. Saint Theneva was a British princess, daughter of a British prince, Lothus (from whom the province of Lothian was called). When it was discovered that she had conceived out of wedlock, she was thrown from a cliff. Unharmed at the bottom, she was then set adrift in a boat on the Firth of Forth. It was expected that she would die at sea, but God had other plans for the young woman.

She landed at Culross, where she was sheltered by Saint Serf and gave birth to Saint Kentigern, named Mongo ("darling") by his foster-father, Serf. Kentigern remained with Saint Serf until he reached manhood.

Saint Theneva gave her name to Saint Enoch's Square and Railway Station in Glasgow, Scotland, where she is co-patron together with her son (Benedictines, Delaney).

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