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6th century; died at Saint-Meen, Brittany, France. The Cornish monk Austell was the godson and a disciple of Saint Meen (f.d. June 21). He probably lived near Saint Austell in Cornwall, which now preserves his name and adjoins the parish of Saint Mewan (Meen). When Meen followed Saint Samson (f.d. July 28) from Wales to Brittany, Austell accompanied him. Together they evangelized the Broceliande district and were buried in the same tomb. He may have left his name to Aust of Awst in Gloucester (Attwater2, Attwater2, Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Farmer).

Troparion of St Austol tone 7
Light of Cornwall and pillar of the Faith,/ holy Austol, disciple of Samson:/ thou wast a fellow-labourer with Saint Mewan,/ in such companionship that thou didst die with him and share his grave./ Pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

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