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Died July 30, 734. Saint Tatwin, a monk of Bredon (Brenton) in Worcestershire, was described by Saint Bede (f.d. May 26) as a man of remarkable prudence, devotion, and learning. At the recommendation of the Mercian King Ethelbald, Tatwin was chosen to succeed Saint Brithwald (f.d. January 9) as archbishop of Canterbury in 731. This was the same year in which Bede finished his Ecclesiastical History. Thereafter he consecrated bishops for Lindsey (Lincolnshire) and Selsey (West Sussex). After his death miracles were wrought through his intercession, an account of which was written by Goscelin.

Tatwin left several works including "Riddles" ("Enigmata'), consisting of 40 acrostics similar to those of Saint Aldhelm (f.d. May 25). The Riddles are written in Latin hexameters and Tatwin's ingenuity is prominent: he makes the initials and finals of the first line of each riddle into an acrostic of hexameters. These were published by Giles in "Anecdota Bed?", 1851. They treat of such diverse subjects as philosophy, charity, the alphabet, the pen, scissors, and swords. His "Grammar" ("Ars Tatwini") expands upon that of Consentius and borrows from Donatus, Priscian, and other sources (Benedictines, Farmer).

Tatwin was buried in the abbey church of Saint Augustine at Canterbury. His relics, as well as the others buried there, were translated in 1091 when the church was enlarged. The epitaph on his tomb praised him for the same qualities described by Bede"

Vir religione et Prudentia insignis,
sacris quoque literis nobiliter instructus

(a man notable for his prudence, devotion and learning).

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