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Died 6th century. Saint Phelim is said to have been Saint Dermot's (f.d. January 10) brother and a disciple of Saint Columba (f.d. June 9). He seems to be the bishop of Cluain (Clunes) near Lough Erne, who was buried near Saint Tigernach (f.d. April 4), the first bishop of that see. The city of Kilmore (which means 'great church') rose up around the site of his cell. As the principal patron of Kilmore, his feast is celebrated with solemnity throughout the diocese (Benedictines, Husenbeth).

Troparion of St Phelim Tone 4
Thou wast a jewel in the diadem of spiritual athletes/ as bestowed on the Bride of Christ by Iona's Monastery, O Hierarch Phelim,/ Wherefore we pray thee to intercede with Christ our God for us,/ lax and unworthy as we are,/ that we may be granted great mercy.

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