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According to Kneen Marown refers to St Ronan - the prefix 'Ma' (or 'Mo') being just the Irish honorific 'my' (as in my lady). The Calendar of Angus refers to 'Bishop Ronan the Kingly'.. However there are many Ronan's mentioned in the various Martyrologies. A.W. Moore links him with the Scottish Abbot Ronan of Cinngrad (Kingarth) in Bute who died 737 and is commenorated in many places in the Hebrides.

The Manx Tradionary Ballad, verse 20, places him as the third Bishop after Maughold and buried in Keeill Ma Rooney i.e. Kirk Marown; thus it is possible that Ronan is a local 'saint' who later became linked with his more famous namesake.

Connaghan then came next,
And then Marown the third;
There all three lieth in Marown,
And there for ever lieth unmolested

Farmer gives four St. Ronans: a Scottish hermit of the 7th century whom tradition claims settled on the island of North Rona where a fine, and unique, oratory of that time still exists. Legend has it he was told to escape the evil tongues of the women of Eoroby (Lewis) and that he was transported to North Rona by whale where he defeated various diabolical assaults on his person. A church dedicated to him stands in Eoroby. A second Ronan is the Scottish bishop of Kilmaroren in Lennox, implausibly identified with the Irish monk who defended the Roman calculation of Easter at Whitby as described by Bede. This Ronan has the 7 Feb feastday and is celebrated by St Ronan's Well at Innerleithen in Peeblesshire, as popularised by Sir Walter Scott, where according to tradition the saint came to the valley and drove out the Devil Two other Ronans are a Bishop who died in Brittany after working in Cornwall and the Bishop celebrated at Canterbury whose monastery possessed an arm as relic - he may be Romanus, deacon and exorcist of Caesarea whose feast day is 18th November. D.H. Farmer The Oxford Dictionary of Saints 1978

Patron saint of Marown Parish

Troparion of St Ronan
Tone 4
As one endowed with the beauty of speech,
thou didst Preach Christ's saving Gospel to the inhabitants of Man, O Hierarch Ronan.
Wherefore O Saint, being mindful of the power of words,
pray that our every utterance may be to the glory of God
that at the end He will grant us great mercy.

Kontakion of St Ronan
Tone 6
We sing thy praises, O righteous Ronan,
praying for grace to emulate thee,
that the example of our lives
may proclaim the love of God to those around us.

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