St. Pabo, Founder of Llanbabon Monastery in Anglesey, Wales
9 November
Died c. 510. Surnamed 'Post-Prydain,' Pabo was the son of a chieftain
on the Scottish border and at first a soldier. Later he came to Wales
and founded the monastery called after him Llanbabon, in Anglesey.
Britain and Brittany are often confused in old hagiographical records
Troparion of St Pabo
Tone 8
Revered "Pillar of Northern Britain" and Light of Monastics, O Father
leaving thy family and homeland, thou didst found on Anglesey a
house of prayer.
May thy example inspire us, O holy one, to respect the monastic virtues
which attain to the salvation of souls.
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content © 2008, Ambrose Mooney
layout © 2008, Kathleen Hanrahan and Mo! Langdon
Page last updated: 01 November 2008
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