St. MacNisse, Bishop of Connor, Dalriada
(Macnisius, Aengus McNisse. Macanisius)

3 September

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Died 506-514. Saint MacNisse, a disciple of Saint Olean (Bolcan?), was said to have been baptized as an infant by Saint Patrick. After MacNisse made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome, Patrick consecrated him the first abbot-bishop of Kells, which became the diocese of Connor, Ireland. His life is filled with miracles, such as changing the course of a river for the convenience of his monks and rescuing a child about to be executed for his father's crime by causing him to be carried by the wind from the executioners to his arms. Various ancient lists record different dates for his death (Benedictines, Delaney, Husenbeth, Montague).

Troparion of St MacNis
Tone 8
Having learned thy faith from Ireland Enlightener, O holy MacNis,
thou didst found a shining beacon of the True Faith, the Monastery of Kells,
from which was bequeathed to Christ's church a treasure of piety and wonder, which is with us to this day.
Inspired by thine example, O Saint, we beseech thee to intercede with Christ our God
that we may be given grace to follow thee in the way of salvation.

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Page last updated: 21 December 2008
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