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6th century. From the time of his birth, Berach was placed in the care of his uncle, Saint Freoch. Later in life he became a disciple of Saint Kevin and founded an abbey at Clusin-Coirpte in Connaught. He is the patron saint of Kilbarry, County Dublin (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Berach
Tone 1
Disciple of our Father Kevin,
teacher of true piety and radiance of all Connaught, O Father Berach,
by thy life and example thou didst bring many souls to Christ.
Wherefore we pray thee to intercede for us that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St Berach
Tone 4
Bright jewel in the crown of Erin's saints, great Father Berach,
we hymn thee and pray for the fortitude to follow thy steep path to salvation,
ever praising thy most glorious memory.

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