St. Beornwald, Priest-Martyr Near Oxford at the Village of Bampton
(Berenwald, Byrnwald)

21 December

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8th century? Little is known for certain about the priest Beornwald, whose memory was venerated at Bampton until the Reformation, and some of his shrine remains in the north transept marked by a brass depicting a figure clothed in vestments with a crozier but no mitre. His name is listed in the litanies of the 11th century and in martyrologies of 12th and 15th centuries. There is other evidence of his existence, but no details. He may have founded the large Mercian minster church in Bampton (Farmer).

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layout © 2008, Kathleen Hanrahan and Mo! Langdon
Page last updated: 21 December 2008
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