St. Manire of Scotland, Bishop
(Manirus, Niniar)

19 December

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Date unknown. Manirus is venerated as one of the apostles of northern Scotland. His work seems to have concentrated on encouraging the newly converted Highlanders in their faith (Benedictines).

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The last of the Celtic apostles to bring the Gospel to Deeside were St Devenick and St Manire. Both were active in the valley during the 9th century but their establishments were widely separated.

St Manire (sometimes spelled Monire, Miniar or Niniar) is said to have been one of Drostan's successors at Deer, and to have had a foundation in that district near Aberdour.

St Manire's main sphere of activity was on upper Deeside, in Crathie district, where he established his church. The site of Manire's foundation is at Rhynabaich, a knoll to the north of the North Deeside Road. A solitary standing-stone is all that remains of Manire's establishment {NO 301962}, but local place-names such as alt eaglais, "the burn of the church"; creag eaglais, "the hill of the church"; pollmanire, "the pool of Manire" - a deep salmon pool on the river Dee almost opposite Balmoral Castle - recall the activities of this almost forgotten saint. The ancient church site at Crathie {NO 264947}, south of the present Crathie-Kirk, is under his invocation. He is said to have suffered persecution, but did not receive the crown of martyrdom. Hence he appears in the Calendars as a confessor, not a martyr.

Manire is said to have died in 824AD and is believed to have been buried in his church at Crathie.

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Page last updated: 13 December 2008
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