St. Kennera of Scotland, Virgin Martyr

29 October

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Born in Scotland, 5th century. Saint Kennera is said to have been educated with Saint Ursula (f.d. October 21) and Saint Regulus of Patras (f.d. March 30). Later she became a recluse at Kirk-Kinner in Galloway, Scotland (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia).

Troparion of St Kennera
tone 8
Bright beacon of purity and Light of Galloway, O holy Kennera,
as thou didst preserve thyself in virginity for love of Christ,
pray to Him, that despite our corrupt condition He will grant us great mercy.

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layout © 2008, Kathleen Hanrahan and Mo! Langdon
Page last updated: 22 October 2008
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