St. Mono of Scotland, Hermit in the Ardennes, Martyr

18 October

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Died c. 645. Mono was an Irish monk or Scottish pilgrim who crossed over to the continent and lived as a hermit in the Ardennes, where he is highly venerated by the people. He was murdered in his cell at Nassogne (Nassau), in Belgian Luxemburg by some robber whom he had reproved. His tomb in the village at a place now encompassed by Saint Hubert's abbey was the site of many miracles. There is a church near Saint Andrew's in Scotland dedicated to him called Monon's Kirk. (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Encyclopaedia, Fitzpatrick, Husenbeth, Kenney).

Troparion of St Monon
Tone 4
Thou hast revealed to us the treasures of solitude, O Father Monon,
and, fearing nothing, thou didst rebuke the lawless men for their ungodliness. Wherefore, pray to God for us
that we may have the courage to confront evil,
even though like thee
we thereby receive the crown of martyrdom,
that we may be found worthy of eternal salvation.

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