St. Cuthburga of Wimborne, Widow and Abbess

3 September

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Died c. 725; feast day also on August 31. Saint Cuthburga, sister to Saint Quenburga and King Ina of Wessex, married the learned and pious King Aldfrid of Northumbria in 688. After bearing him two sons, Aldfrid gave Cuthburga permission to enter religious life. She became a nun at Barking monastery under the direction of Saint Hildelith, and then in 705 with her sister Saint Quenburga, she founded the double monastery at Wimborne in Dorset and governed it as abbess. The convent was strictly cloistered. Saint Lioba, who was formed by Cuthburga, reports that even prelates were forbidden to enter the nuns' quarters; Cuthburga would communicate with them through a little hatch. Hagiographers describe Cuthburga as austere with herself, kind to others, and steadfast in prayer and fasting. This convent produced the band of missionary nuns who helped evangelize Germany (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia).

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