St. Brothen and St. Gwendolen (Gwendoline)

18 October

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6th century. Only their names and place names honouring these Welsh saints remains of their history, and the fact that they were given a public veneration in Wales. Saint Brothen is the patron of Llanbrothen in Merionethshire. Dolwyddelen and Llanwyddelan in Montgomeryshire suggest a Saint Gwendolen; this and similar names are diminutives of Gwen (meaning 'white'), equivalent to the French Blanche (Benedictines).

Troparion of Ss Brothen and Gwendolen
Tone 1
As in your native Wales you won souls for Christ by your witness,
O Righteous Brothen and Gwendolen,
so now in heaven intercede for us
that our souls may be saved.

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layout © 2008, Kathleen Hanrahan and Mo! Langdon
Page last updated: 21 October 2008
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