St. Barrog of Wales, Hermit
(Barnock, Barry, Barnoch, Barnic, Barruc, Barrwg)

27 September

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Died 7th century. Saint Barrog was a disciple of the great Welsh saint Cadoc (f.d. September 23). He was a hermit on the island off the coast of Glamorgan, now called Barry (Barruc or Barnoch) Island, where he is buried (according to Leland). His chapel became a famous pilgrimage site. William Worcestre records that he was buried at Fowey in Cornwall. His feast is celebrated on this day in both places, indicating that there is probably only one saint with two obscure histories (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Farmer).

Troparion of St Barrog
Tone 8
Light of the West, inspirer of monastics and boast of ascetics,
thy radiant life was pleasing to God, O Father Barrog.
Do not reject us in our pitiable state but pray, O Saint,
that repenting and weeping we may be found worthy of a place in Christ's holy Kingdom.

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Page last updated: 8 October 2008
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