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Died c. 303. Saint Jerome's martyrology lists Augulus as a bishop. Others describe him as a martyr put to death in London under Diocletian. French writers normally identify him with Saint Aule of Normandy (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Aule
Tone 3
Having lighted the candle of faith in London,
O glorious Martyr Aule,
thy radiance was a challenge to the godless Diocletian
who caused the flame of thy life to be extinguished.
Pray, O martyr, that the flame of our faith
may burn so brightly that through our constancy
we may be found worthy of the mercy of Christ our God.

Kontakion of St Aule
Tone 7
Thou didst sanctify our capital with thy blood,
O Passion-Bearer Aule,
defending the true Faith,
which was more precious to thee than life itself.
We honour thee, we hymn thee
and we praise thy name rejoicing
in thy glorious memory.

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