St. Kentigerna of Loch Lomond, Widow
(Caentigern, Quentigerna)

7 January

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Died on Inch Cailleach, Scotland, c. 733-734. Kentigerna was the mother of Saint Fillan and the daughter of Kelly (Cellach), prince of Leinster. She married a neighbouring prince, who was the father of Fillan. After her husband's death, she left Ireland with her missionary brother Saint Comghan and her son to lead the life of a recluse on the island of Inch Cailleach (or Inchebroida, according to some), in Loch Lomond, Scotland, where a church is dedicated in her name. Kentigerna is listed in the Aberdeen Breviary (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Farmer, Montague).

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