St. Rumon of Tavistock

5 January

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Feast of the Translation of his holy relics.
See his life in yesterday's Lives

Troparion of St Ruman
Tone 5
Thou didst dazzle us with a jewel, a treasure,
a pearl of great price, O righteous Father Ruman,
in the God-pleasing life and asceticism of the desert.
Thy selfless devotion, love of animals
and patience in the face of calumny are our guiding lights.
Wherefore, O Saint, pray that the unprofitable servants who hymn thee
be granted great mercy.

Kontakion of St Ruman
Tone 5
Today we keep festival in thy honour, holy Ruman,
for caring nothing for thyself
thou didst face danger, false accusation and misdirected piety
for the love of Him Who is the Creator of all things.

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