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The British llanau (churches) were centres of not just spirituality, but also education. In fact, the very early Roman Church's first bishop, Pope Linus, was half British and two of his successors were also British.

Linus was related to the Silurian chieftain Caractacus (Caradog) who was taken to Rome in 51 AD after instigating an uprising against the Romans. Surprisingly, Caradog was pardoned by Emperor Claudius and he and his family were kept in Rome until 57 AD when they returned to South Wales. According to Welsh historical records, Caradog's daughter, Eurgain, brought twelve Christians with her, and as such, was the mother of the British Church. In fact, she had been converted to Christianity whilst in Rome by St Paul. Eurgain's sister was Gwladys (born 36 AD) - also known as Claudia after she married Rufus Pudens Pudentius, a Roman citizen, in 53 AD. Claudia's home, Pallatium Brittanicum (British Palace), in Rome was given to the young couple as a dowry by Caradog and was also used for Christian worship. The church of St Pudentiana now stands on the site. Pudens had vast estates in Umbria and according to the Roman Martyrology, he brought 400 servants from his estates to the Pallatium.

The 'Roman Martyrologies' states that in 56 AD: The children of Claudia were brought up at the feet of St Paul. The second Pope, Clemenus Romanus (Clement) confirmed that St Paul had resided at Claudia's home , the Pallatium Britannicum, and had instructed her brother, Linus, the first Bishop of Rome or Pope. Linus is mentioned by St Paul in his Epistle to Timothy, and was buried, according to Bishop Irenaeus, alongside St Peter at the foot of the Vatican hill. Linus was Caradog's grand-son and the son of Claudia.

The passage by Irenaeus (Adv. haereses, III, iii, 3) reads: After the Holy Apostles (Peter and Paul) had founded and set the Church in order (in Rome) they gave over the exercise of the episcopal office to Linus. The same Linus is mentioned by St. Paul in his Epistle to Timothy. His successor was Anacletus.

Eurgain, on her return to South Wales, established a church, which is referred to as 'Cor Eurgain' in Welsh records. This church was established in 57 AD near Llanilltud Fawr (Llantwit Major) in present day Glamorganshire. However, even today the Church in Wales denies this fact, and chooses to tow the line with the Stubbs' mentality that Romans brought Christianity to Britain rather than the evidence that shows it had been here for hundreds of years and was independent of Rome.

The location of the Cor is most probably Caer Mead, a Roman villa on the outskirts of the town. This villa was last excavated in 1888, and even then only partly, and the findings showed it to have mosaic floors and painted plaster walls.

Professor McAllister in his Glamorgan: History and Topography relates that the 1888 excavation showed the villa to cover an area of eight acres with its defences. The building alone covered two acres and comprised 20 rooms, one of them being 60 feet by 51 feet, the remaining walls of which rose to a height of nine is one of the few Roman civil sites in Wales and was probably built before the middle of the second century.

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