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Died c. 760. Alto was an Irish monk, who crossed over into Germany about 743 and settled as a hermit in a forest near Augsburg. King Pepin, hearing of Alto's holiness, gave him the land there on which Alto founded the monastery of Altomuenster in Upper Bavaria. Saint Boniface (f.d. June 5) dedicated its church in 750. In 1000 AD, according to tradition, Alto appeared in a vision to the king of Bavaria and asked him to restore the abbey, which the king did. Altomuenster, which has been a Brigittine abbey for five centuries, still survives (Benedictines, Montague).

Saint Alto is represented as a bishop with the Christ-child and a chalice. At times he is shown with Saint Virgilius of Salzburg (f.d. November 27) or Saint Bridget (Roeder).

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