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5th century. There are two saints of this name, both celebrated on the same day. Both lived during the same period. Saint Gwen of Wales, widow of King Selyf of Cornwall, is said to have been the sister of Saint Nonna (f.d. August 5) and, therefore, the aunt of Saint David of Wales (f.d. March 1). She is alleged to have been the mother of Saints Cyby (f.d. November 8) and Cadfan (f.d. November 1) and to have founded the church of Saint Wenn. There are a few other churches in Devon and Cornwall who may be dedicated to this saint (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Farmer).

Troparion of St Gwen tone 4
Faithfulness was thy virtue, O pious Gwen,/ for no greater sacrifice
than life itself can be made for our saving faith./ Wherefore, holy
Martyr, pray to God for us/ that we too may be faithful, even unto
death,/ that our souls may be saved.

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